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Helping horse-crazy kids find joy in learning

I am super excited you are here! 

My name is Tina and I am a homeschooling mama to a horse-obsessed teenager.















TL:DR Take the quiz, fill out the surveycontact me here.

At the age of four Emma met her first horse and she has been passionately in love with them ever since. Around that same time we decided we would be homeschooling. Emma's love of horses made the early years of homeschooling super easy. Put horse books, horse activities, horse movies, horse games, and of course, HORSES, in front of her and she was happy to learn history, geography, science, math, and language arts. Over the years I've made worksheets, found lap books and unit studies, and pieced together projects and activities.

While that worked for a while, I was longing for more "structure" with her learning. I wanted her to be able to learn more about the world around her through her beloved horses, but I didn't want to have to continually create everything from scratch.

What I really wanted was a secular-based, gender-neutral curriculum that is all about horses. Something horse centered that we could use for even just one subject for an entire school year.

Emma is now in 8th grade. We haven't found what we are looking for, so we are going to create it! We decided to start with horse-based history lessons. Yes, there are programs that cover the history of the horse, but that's not what I want. I want a curriculum that is the history of the world, where horses are the center of the world, not people.

Knowing we are not the only family with a horse-crazy kiddo we decided to go big and create a program that we can share!


Interested? Take the quiz to get an idea of some of the topics we plan to cover! If you like what you see, I would love for you to take the survey to help me build the best program possible. Do you have questions or comments? You can contact me here.


I look forward to helping your horse-crazy kid find joy in learning!   

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